I relate to this post so much. I am also a multi-passionate!

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Hey Leanna! What things do you do? Xx

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I teach yoga and meditation, I am starting a course in September to become a holistic health coach, I recently started my Substack to share some of these things and to share my journey and I have an Etsy Shop. When I think of a job that I would want to do for the rest of my life I can think of many different things, but they either revolve around health and wellness or nature. Like who wouldn’t want to become an yoga and meditation teacher/ health coach/ writer/ outdoor adventure guide/ beekeeper

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With you on NEARLY all of them other than the bees, who id prefer to admire from afar! What an exciting next chapter Leanna xx

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I was right there with you, but then I heard a podcast about beekeeping and I thought it was so interesting!

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well I'm open-minded, and they are magical! x

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Ooooh juicy question... what does impact mean for me? I think it’s about leaving something meaningful... like a little gentle

Imprint that ripples from there. I want to make an impact on so many areas I can’t list them all... bit the biggest ‘impact’ I want to make is in my daughter’s lives... to show them just what’s possible, how they can be messy and imperfect and human and go at their own pace... and to show them how they can make an impact too!!

And I wonder the same thing about blogs/substack... with my new website I’ve created a vault of old blogs and shared about substack at the top... I’m not quite ready to let go of my old writing yet as some of it’s from so long ago and feels a bit like a memory box... but I also have the temptation to get rid of it all!!!

Thank you for a thought provoking post xxx

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So interesting what you say about your daughters: I keep trying to show mine (it’s not hard 😂) that being imperfect is ok, and that we can always apologise for our mistakes.

And YES so hard re blogs/ SUBSTACK, and also because I want people to stay on my site and book my services but I also want them to come here! Xx

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Every post of yours has me nodding along and showing me a different perspective on things too. Impact for me is making a difference to mums who feel overwhelmed and exhausted and supporting them through my coaching to honour their wants and needs. Building a community of mums too feels like making an impact too. These are the two things that keep me showing up again and again even when it feels hard.

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Jenna I’m saving your words into my “kind words” online folder for when I need a boost! And I’m so with you on both of those things: building communities is magic, eh? Xx

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Oh that's lovely! And such a good idea to have a folder like this too. It really is, it's what we all need isn't it, that connection with people who just get us and get it.

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Absolutely and bringing people together who might not otherwise have the confidence to come together etc x

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Those yellows!! This whole post is delicious!! ✨

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Aren’t they vibrant! I loved writing this one x x

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