Thank you for talking about this! I’ve been thinking about this, thinking about where I want Substack to fit in my business(and in this postpartum season of life) and one thing I’ve thought about is whether there are example of people who charge higher and accept a smaller community. All I have seen is charge small amounts with higher subscriber numbers being the name of the game. I’m still sitting on how everything will look for me.

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absolutely, and I wonder if we will see that next year. For my higher charging, smaller community I wanted it to be free from any platform, and I charge a lot more, so it doesnt make sense for it to be here. I think starting my membership model here (which may eventually have higher-paid tiers, if that becomes an option), feels like the right fit right now. Really excited to see what you decide Aleksandra x

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Loves this reflective article and how you carry us through your whole thought process in such earnestly 👏❤️🥰 well done Laura!

I’m currently having an issue of a very limited budget and too many I want to subscribe to🙈 so have resorted to rotate the subs for now... more who does that? 🫣 xx

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ah your support is so lovely, thank you. And yes, I do that - I think it can be a seasonal thing. I also think committing annually to publications I love feels amazing, so would like to do that once a quarter x

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Yes I’d like to as well! Think it will also depend on the season im in with the kids too when I know whether I’ll have time to read it all too 🙏🏼 always a balance hey 😮‍💨 xx

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also are you now in the UK or in Sweden? A bit tired (hey kids) so just skim-read your bio (and also subscribed as love your comments so will love your writing!)

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Neither haha!

I’m from Sweden but just moved to Belgium after about 9 years living in 7 different countries... I think we found our home now so I’m finally able ti release it all on here 🩷

Thanks a bunch I believe I’m already subscribed?! (Breast milk brain over here lol so I totally get it) great to connect 🥰

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oh Belgium, I have wonderful memories of eating and walking a lot there. Can't wait to get to know you here x

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Same 🥰

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absolutely. I spend more time online in the evenings in Winter so I'm in a subscriber zone atm...

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Laura, this is such a sane, measured and inspiring post. I do think women creators and writers have a far harder time when it comes to speaking openly and with confidence about what our work is worth. And here, you're so right about value and the way we might feel it's a race to the bottom. I'm sure you'll have listened to Claire and Russell's chat on the Sparkle podcast? I read this last night having listened to them yesterday, too and there is so much that chimes with me from both. Particularly thinking about what you say (and Russell echoes to an extent) about the different ways people can work with you and that it's up to them to work out which holds best value for them. Do they leap straight in for 1-2-1 coaching, or dabble in free material or make a smaller investment in courses or group programmes first? His reflections on this were really interesting.

I am currently happy with what I'm offering and how much I charge for that, but have always felt that my first year or so of having paid turned on is a bit of an experiment as I build my community and see what works. I currently offer a journalling short course for paid subscribers as part of the Membership but think that a fiver a month is probably too low for this. When I run it again in late spring, I'll have to consider how I charge for it. So much to think on.

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there is so much to think of, there is no one right way and we can always change it! But THIS "that it's up to them to work out which holds best value for them" is the one that really resonates with me. I'm so interested to see what happens with your paid offering Lindsay, and as ever so grateful for your wise and well-written wrods xx

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You are so welcome, Laura! So much good stuff ahead for us here and elsewhere in 2024.x

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Jan 5Liked by Laura Oldfield

This echoes my own thoughts! I listened to the podcast and felt so assured. I’m offering a monthly thread and quarterly resources, which is fairly “hands off” in some respects, and six annual subscriptions per month will cover my time to engage on threads and create the resources. I also have a founding membership for those looking for 1:1 mentoring. Everything else I offer is outwith Substack and a higher price point since it involves in depth design or mentoring. As you say, it’s important to experiment, and to do our research. I found polling readers incredibly helpful!

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yes polling is always so helpful I agree. So nice to read your comment (and so excited to see you two working together! xx)

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Jan 5Liked by Laura Oldfield

Love this post, Laura! Thanks for sharing your thought process with such transparency. It’s so important to consider ‘value’ through a wider lens than we’re often given - especially as creatives, especially as women. Really appreciate reading your thoughts on this.

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Hey Jen! What do you write about on here? I think transparency is so important, particularly when talking about charging for our work/ how long it takes/ childcare (oh, lots of things!) Really appreciate you being here x

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At the moment, my writing here is very ad hoc but it’s mostly reflections as I navigate being a new mum, some poetry and creative non-fiction. I’m allowing myself to just be relaxed in how I approach my writing at the moment as I’m finding motherhood pretty all consuming! (I’ve been interrupted by my 7 month old twice so far just writing this comment! 😅) It’s been a while since I had a regular writing practice but it’s something I’d like to cultivate as I find balance in this new season of life and this feels like the right space to do that. I don’t know if I’ll ever go down the paid subscription route but it’s encouraging to see this kind of transparency and recognition of ‘value’, regardless.

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Thank you for sharing such an important message. I continue to be amazed by the expectation that creatives will work for free. In my previous teaching career, never would I be expected to work for free and yet here it seems to be the norm. You’ve really got me thinking about my paid offer, what I think it’s worth, and having no shame in charging for it 🥰

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oooh Holly I love it when someone says "you've really got me thinking!" What age did you teach and what subject? I've left permanent teaching posts now but still go into schools and do some teaching of secondary music at times, and do 1 day a week of singing teaching!

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I taught in primary schools and eventually became a special needs coordinator 🥰

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ah a very important job!

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Excellent lines of thought here. I just upped the prices on my tiers, and revisited my Substack offerings, too. I am going to raise rates again very soon because I am doing courses now with the video platform and it takes a lot of production--finding quiet time with my wonderful 4 children. But I love this platform and it has been working to funnel folks toward 121. Great to see all this processing I have been doing reflected in your words, Lauren. Thank you and best wishes for your new endeavors and offerings!

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yes, video is a gift isn't it Nikko but it takes a really long time. So good to hear that it's working as a funnel for you as well! Thanks for the best wishes x (and it's Laura! :-))

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Brilliant post Laura, I loved seeing it all through your eyes. ‘Going paid’ is something I am seriously considering at the moment and trying to figure out in my mind so it has been so helpful to read your thoughts and have the reminder about our value. Re: fact 3, I was discussing this with my musician father and his colleague just yesterday (and how it applies to journalism/writing too), that now music/words are largely consumed digitally, there is a reluctance to pay and why this is, is it because it is not tangible and in our hands? Anyway, thank you again for this post and I look forward to seeing how your newest, very exciting chapter unfolds xx

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oh Lyndsay so much to discuss here, and I would love to meet your Dad and his colleague/ pal! I am 100% convinced that the demise of the CD as a tangible, "sellable" product has made it so much harder to "sell" music. I'm so glad that the post was useful in helping you reflect on your paid offering. I was working a lot out as I went! xx

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Agree! I imagine he would love to meet you too, a lot to chat about in the music world. This is exactly what he was saying, he has seen a lot of change in the industry since the old days. Really helpful and I love your openness and I think you’re right, it’s a moveable feast that can shapeshift as we work things out xx

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Yes! I've been having a difficult time with this as well. I just upped mine to $7 and $70 a year because I'm going to be putting up workshops and other things. I'd love to do a q&a. How do you do that? In a chat?

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I think I'll invite my paid subscribers to a Zoom session, and do a form they can fill out in advance? And thanks so much for contributing, Carrie! Lovely to have you here! x

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Ahh yes, that makes sense.

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Thank you for taking the time to step us through your process in the creation of Life: Unlocked.

A helpful set of notes as I work my way through the whole Substack thing & taking it more seriously on 2024.

Grateful for your words 🙏🏻

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what a lovely summary Tiffany, thanks so much! x

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Celebrating you and this beautifully clear and comprehensive post! I love the name change, and love all you are creating here. Such a beautiful space to explore and soak in your wisdom. Xxx

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oh Lauren, you are such a kind person. I cannot wait to meet you IRL this year xx

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Me either! National Trust here we come!!!!

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I think this is really interesting. I was thinking about using Substack as part of my funnel to encourage people to discover and buy my books. But I only make £5 per book sold and with a paid subscription offer here I could make similar per month! I still want to do both but it gets you thinking...

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RemovedJan 13Liked by Laura Oldfield
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thanks Josefine for thinking about my offers so thoughtfully and kindly, and all the very best to you with your SS!

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